Riviera Lifeline …

Is a non-profit, non-denominational organisation serving the Var and the Alpes Maritimes. We have over fifty volunteers who help seniors to continue independent lives, in a wide variety of ways, across the French Riviera. No task is too big or too small for us to tackle.

Our breadth of services ranges from financial support to assistance with French administration, medical provisions, IT support and even care for your pets. We can do it all!

We are a trusted companion to seniors across the region, and we will do our very best to assist and support you – just contact us to discover the multitude of ways in which we can help you, your family and those dear to you.

Who We Are

Riviera Lifeline is run by a team of enthusiastic volunteers from diverse backgrounds. We are made up of newcomers to the French Riviera, those who have been here for a while, and a few whose home it has been for more than 40 years!

Most volunteers are people in the community who have time to visit seniors in their own homes, to lend a sympathetic ear and an offer of companionship.

Members of our team can usually be found at The Grange on Thursdays and the 3rd Saturday of the month.  On these days the social setting at The Grange with its sunny terrace is a magnet for seniors living in their own homes where they are able to meet up with some of their friends from local retirement homes.

Join us

What We Do

Most volunteers are people in the community who have time to visit seniors in their own homes, to lend a sympathetic ear and an offer of companionship.

We always need more volunteers, so if you are interested, please click here. This can be a very rewarding experience and an hour or two of our time can make such a difference.

Support us

We also team with Services Providers who are able to organise and deliver specific support. More information is available here.

Success Stories

Read our “Success Stories” and find out the many ways in which we’ve helped people across the region over the years.


Financial and moral support

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Day-to-day support

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Temporary accommodation

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If you or someone known to you needs our help, the first step is to get in touch with us. Click here and give us a brief outline of your difficulty and we’ll take it from there.  You can also send an email to info@rivieralifeline.org or call us at +33 (0)4 89 82 68 51 and we’ll get back to you promptly.